Sunday, October 27, 2013

Life is Funny....

You know, I abandoned my blog, because I didn't have to be a Frugal Diva anymore.   No, I was not adopted by one of the Rockefellers, however, I was able to make my bills and I didn't have to stay up worrying, how I was going to pay them.  But, life is funny, it only takes a few unplanned moments to pull the rug from up under you, and, you can end up right back where you started.  I don't know how it happened, I had tried to plan better, and to acquire more skills, however, the rug was still pulled and I remained on my behind.  One of the places that I know that money went was school.   However, I need to finish my graduate degree, and I am close.  So, that was not a waste.  My biggest problem this time, is when I saw things falling down, I panicked to the point that I couldn't move.   I went into shock, instead of action, which is what I usually did.  So, I am back, to help me work through managing my crappy budget with my crappy pay.  Well, I am not alone, so enough pity, time for action.