One of the most obvious ways to say money in your budget is to go after the grocery portion of the budget.. However, a Frugal Diva knows that what, you consume directly affects the health of you and your family. Therefore, fresh or frozen produce, whole grains and legumes are essential. Meat, if you eat it, is desired and refined or manufactured products, not so much. Why, because a diva knows that even though you will find more coupons and sales on latter items, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes are costly. And, the latter items provide the least amount of nutritional value. Food is fuel, especially when you are budgeting, so you have to pick your items wisely. The local health food store may have some sales, but some items can be pricey, but there are ways to get around it.
So, let's get down to business. Where do you shop and how do you save money. Well, I shop at Asian Grocery stores. They usually have great deals on produce, grains and legumes. Also, because the Asian diet is usually higher in produce and fish, the stores have a higher turnover rate. So, your chance of getting fresher food there instead of regular grocery stores are higher. Farmer's markets and co-ops are also great places to shop. There are local grocery stores in my area that have discounted groceries, but I am not always happy with the quality, but I have found some good items there. The bottom line is that you may have to go to more than one store and you will have to determine what is good where. My secret weapon for whole graian shopping are online discount health food stores. I like to shop at and These are online vitamin stores that happen to sell some whole grains as well as vitamins at a discounted prices and free shipping, depending on how much you spend.
The Frugal Diva Rules
1. All sales and discounts aren't good. A frugal diva is a smart shopper, who doesn't just buy because it is on sale.
2 . Frugal Divas eat healthy to take care of their health. Because, illnesses cost money.
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