Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Black Friday!!

Friday!  Friday!!  Friday!!  Friday!!  Friday!!  Friday!!  Friday!!  Friday!!  Black
Friday!!!!!!  (Hey with all of the things happening in the news right now, we need some fun to help us relieve the stress.) 

It is all over the news and internet, merchants are advertising about Black Friday early.  Yay!!  So does that mean I am going to be in front of some store at 6 am or worse yet at midnight?  Hell to the no!!   

There are three reasons: 
1.     I am a Frugal Diva.  That means no lines, cold weather or any type of discomfort if I can help it. 
2.     The internet exists, therefore, I am. 
3.     I save money on gas.  (See no. 2.)   Although, I do like to do lunch with a friend on Black Friday and watch others shop or go to a movie.

Now, don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of Bricks and Mortar stores that I L-O-V-E.  But like I said before, I don’t like knocking people over or stepping over people for sales and I don’t want to be knocked down.  Plus, this Diva is getting mature, so I don’t heal from bruises so easily.  So, I will be at my laptop at 12:01 am ready to pounce on the sales. The spoils go to the fastest mouse clicker.  Woo Hoo!!  Since a lot of merchants are advertising on the web, you can google Black Friday and find out about all of the sales. You can also go to http://bfads.net/ and/or http://www.blackfriday.info/ for Black Friday announcements.  And because they are announcing these deals early, you should have an easier time planning your Christmas list and sticking to your budget.  Remember, a Frugal Diva is able to stick to their budget whether they are pounding the pavement or letting their fingers frolic through the internet. 

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