Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Even the best laid plans, dont make things easy

I haven't been writing because I have been angry.  I have been angry with myself, my situation and life in general.  When I took my last technical writing job, I knew that it was a short term position.  I planned on saving.  I started paying down my credit cards and I started looking for another position early because I knew that it was better to interview while I was still employed.   I did all of those things, but things have still been difficult, and I have still been angry and depressed.   I started looking for a job and interviewing long before October, however, I did not get a job offer until the end of November, and I will not start until January.   That is great, but what am I supposed to do until then.  Being unemployed during the holidays sucks.   Also, it takes a few weeks before you get  your first check, and in this economy, it takes a few months before you can catch up.  Also, my health is fair not great, and until I start working, I will not have health insurance.   My job doesn't offer insurance, so I have to pick up COBRA.  I have been doing some things to save money, but not everything that I mentioned in my blog and that is partly how I know that I am angry.  I really do all of those things when times are tight. The fact that I am not, is a destructive sense of rebellion.   I also find myself angry, because I get sick of hearing people say, go out and get a job, quit complaining.  There are jobs out there.   There are some, but it is not that easy.   I would have been having a harder time finding a job if I had waited to look until my job ended.   No recruiter or employer wants to hear that you are unemployed waiting for them.  They would rather have an employee that they have stolen from another company.  It has even become more difficult in the DC area.   For example, the Asian Market that I suggested shopping at earlier this year because of their discounts, now has a cashier line dedicated to those who use food stamps (WIC).  I don't live in the wealthiest area, but I don't live in the poorest either.   This economy is hitting everyone hard, everywhere.  I have to develop a positive attitude to make it through this recession.  It is a struggle, but sometimes all you have is yourself.

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