Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Well, apparently, there is plenty to say...

I have never been so let down by people and the media when it comes to the way they have covered the shooting of these police officers.  I thought that I had nothing to say, but I was wrong.  The amount of agenda seeking idiots paraded around on television has been depressing and mind boggling at the same time.  The man who shot the police officers had a long criminal record and a problem with mental illness, yet politicians and media people are asking if the protesting brought on this attack.  Some are trying to state that the protests are encouraging “open season” on police officers.  The man shot his girlfriend first and she was not a police officer.  The man was crazy, and the sad part is that very few are asking how did he get a gun and that should be the real question.  Everyone does not hate all police officers.  Protesters do not hate all police officers.  However, we all hate people who are abusive or commit murders and hide behind a shield.  That is the behavior that puts people in danger.  And, if we are truly honest with ourselves (police included), it was the actions of those officers, not the protesters that contributed to this tragedy. The protesters were not outside because they have nothing else to do, they are outside because they witnessed behavior that was unjust, one too many times, and protesting is a form of drawing attention to an issue to ignite change.  They are trying to ignite change not violence toward police officers.

I am attacking the media, because I listened to a reporter on CNN argue, how the shooter could be crazy, he planned the execution.  Crazy people are capable of logic and figuring out plans.  I am not doctor, but I am sure of this, and so is everyone else.  And, anything can trigger a violent episode.  We just observed an anniversary of a young man who had mental illness execute his mother and then small children at a school.  Who knows what triggered that violent episode.  I worked with a technician years ago who suffered from mental illness, I never knew it because he was quiet.  In fact, except for Human Resources, no one else knew he had problems either.  He came in and did his work and resolved issues on a daily basis, until one Monday he did not come into work.  He had a therapy session with his Doctor on a Saturday and apparently he brought his father’s gun in with him, the Doctor tried to take it away from him, he shot the Doctor and then himself. 

I am also attacking the media, because they keep hyping up this whole Protesters vs. Police issue.  This is not the real issue.  The false issue that the media is providing is inaccurate, irresponsible, unfair and blatantly dangerous.


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