Sunday, December 21, 2014

What can I say?

Two officers were shot execution style while working.  This is the United States of America; no one should be shot execution style.  We have courts, we have due process, and we have civil disobedience.  We have all of these options to share our opinions and change the world.  Yet, there is always someone, who is either crazy or just and asshole who brings it down to the level of a gun or physical violence.  This division in the country is wrong, it is cruel, and it is heartbreaking.  What I have noticed is that each side seems to dehumanize each other.  We are all human beings, we are all someone’s children, parents, friends, loved ones, whether we wear a shield or not.  All I can really say is “What the hell??!!” 

People need to realize that the problem that we have is not an “Us vs. Them” issue.  This is an “Us vs. Ignorance and Violence” issue.  As a law abiding citizen, I don’t want to be afraid of the police.  I don’t want boys and men of color to be afraid of the police.  And, I don’t want the police to be afraid of us.  A police officer’s job is already dangerous by definition.  Every day a police officer leaves home, they are risking their life.  And having a career that has that type of danger is enough.  If we ever want to get pass this devastating mess, then we have to accept and address the real issues.


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