Saturday, August 23, 2014

Not knowing your Worth

"Not knowing your worth" was part of a quote from the movie The Joy Luck Club.  It is funny how people don't  always realize that some ideas or beliefs transcend a culture or race.  I used this title because not this is the stem of a lot of issues that are going on this country right now.  As the Michael Brown protests continue, people are are also supporting the police officer and Conservative shows are asking the question,  about Black on Black crime.  Why isn't anyone protesting about that.  What they fail to see is that protesting cop violence and racist treatment against black men and black on black are related.  They always have been.  Law enforcement has mirrored society, and American society has placed a lesser value on African Americans than.  And that value did not only stay in American society but it permeated the African American society as well.  And, that is how they are related if you continually teach a group that they have less value and they deserve less respect, they begin to believe it and they begin to treat themselves the same way.  This reality is nothing new, it has been stated in movies like The Color Purple, Roots, Hotel Rwanda, DJango, in music, and every type of art that you can think of and in almost any race or culture that you could name.  Yet whenever people start marching about law enforcement abuse, the argument is well what about Black on Black crime, as if they are separate.  Really it is like saying that we (African Americans) are different than everyone else.  But we aren't.  This rule applies to all.  If you don't know your worth and you don't value yourself, you are not going to value others that are like you.  It really is that simple.  Well, at least stating it is, but knowing it and living it can be a challenge every day.

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